April Marvel Comic Previews and Analysis
In this episode of Comic Talk Cafe, Jonathan delves into Marvel comics shipping in April, including highlights such as ‘The Amazing Spider-Man #1’, ‘Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk’, ‘One World Under Doom’ tie-ins, and ‘Predator vs. Spider-Man’. Special attention is given to the returning ‘Wolverine and Kitty Pryde’ series by Chris Claremont. Jonathan also touches on upcoming tie-ins and events across different Marvel universes including the Ultimate Universe, and briefly mentions some licensed Marvel comics. Throughout, Jonathan shares personal insights and anticipations while inviting listeners to share their own thoughts on the upcoming Marvel titles.
00:00 Introduction and Overview
00:03 Amazing Spider-Man Highlights
00:24 Godzilla vs Marvel Heroes
01:45 Daredevil: A Cold Day in Hell
02:43 One World Under Doom
03:58 Predator vs Spider-Man
04:21 Wolverine and Kitty Pryde
04:40 X-Men and Ultimate Universe
07:24 Marvel Licensed Section
08:30 Conclusion and Personal Picks